1.All of the problems listed in the previous section derive from trying to go against the grain and treat the UI as a backing store.
2.Hopefully, the previous section dispelled any RAID myths that you might have had.
3.From the previous section, you can see that virtio is an abstraction for a set of common emulated devices in a paravirtualized hypervisor.
4.Supporting the applications described in the previous section is a set of technologies that have emerged over the last decade or so.
5.The example from the previous section has three tiers, which are the front-end Web server, the application server, and the database.
6.Both of the methods you exposed to Ext. Direct in the previous section were extremely basic and did not even accept any arguments.
7.As we described in the previous section, a statically typed language binds the type to a variable for the lifetime of that variable.
8.As mentioned in the previous section, JAX-WS tools generate a concrete Service implementation class, also referred to as Static Service.
9.To create the JAR file, follow the instructions at the beginning of the previous section, " Running your analyzer from the command line. "
10.The generalized idea used in the previous section is called "software pipelining. "